Visualizing Spatial Interaction Characteristics with Direction-Based Pattern Maps


In the era of big data, large amounts of detailed spatial interaction data are readily available due to the increasing pervasiveness of location-aware devices and techniques. Such data are often applied in the research of spatial structures, land use characteristics, and human activity regularities. However, visualizing such data on maps is a great challenge. Existing approaches either encounter overlapping and intersection problems, which may cause information loss or distortion, or are unable to present interaction characteristics. Consequently, the functional and positional features of places and human mobility trends are not fully demonstrated. We propose direction-based pattern maps, a new visualization method to display the spatial interaction pattern of every place by aggregating spatial interaction data in cardinal directions. This approach can well represent local interaction characteristics and is applicable to different spatial scales. Owing to regular hexagonal tessellations, it can avoid cluttering problems and maintain a geographical context. A case study using Beijing taxi trip data is conducted to validate the usefulness of our approach.

Journal of Visualization
Lun Wu
Lun Wu
Di Zhu
Di Zhu

I am an Assistant Professor of Geographic Information Science in the Department of Geography, Environment, and Society at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. My research interests center around Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI), Spatial Analytics, Social Sensing, and Urban Complexities.

Yong Gao
Yong Gao
Associate professor

Professor of GIScience

Yu Liu
Yu Liu
1997 - present

Professor of GIScience